It’s National Cat Day! I’m in which nation though. This day might not even apply to Canada at all.
If the internet was a nation, then every day would be National Cat Day.
It’s National Cat Day! I’m in which nation though. This day might not even apply to Canada at all.
If the internet was a nation, then every day would be National Cat Day.
So, Disney World has decide that they’re going to make Avatar Land based off of the James Cameron movie.
Avatar Land, the theme park for sad adults who have apparently never been camping and don’t realize that living at one with nature sucks.
So Hollywood has decided it’s going to do a female version of The Expendables called “The ExpendaBelles“. Yes, they have decided to base an entire movie on a horrible, horrible pun.
Today a bunch of Saudi Arabian women drove cars in defiance of tradition.
Interestingly enough, there is no official law preventing Saudi Arabian women from driving, they just simply do not issue licenses to women.
Everyone is talking about BBM lately, so I decided to draw a picture of my favourite BBM: Fat Albert.
False widow spiders, or steatoda nobilis, are systematically accosting and murdering every man, woman and child in England. Are you next?