This chef’s dishes are always low in sodium.
Creepy Four-Eyed Alien
Why does he need such a big head, when he has such a small body?
When he poops, does it come out of his wrist?
Four-Leaf Clover
I used to have a collection of four-leaf clovers that I had found, but it has gone missing.
Oh no! I’ve used up my four-leaf clover drawing allotment for this year! What am I going to draw for St. Patrick’s Day?
This doodle originally appeared on my Tumblr. You can view the original post here:
You can tell that this is a harebutt and not a rabbutt because of the length of the ears.
This doodle originally appeared on my Tumblr. You can view the original post here:
I don’t think that that is his natural hair colour.