Look, it’s a doodle of a cat drawn and uploaded with my cell phone. Will wonders never cease?
Look, it’s a doodle of a cat drawn and uploaded with my cell phone. Will wonders never cease?
Alright, how to explain Dimoitou to people who don’t know what he is?
Dimoitou is a green space alien that visits Canadian primary schools to teach kids French.
Yeah, that’s it.
It’s really hard to find photos of Dimoitou on the internet and it’s impossible to find any pictures of the Dimoitou French textbook.
It’s strange; Canada, supposedly, has a high percentage of internet users and a high computer literacy rate, but you try to find things about Canadian culture on the internet and you get bupkis.
This is some text.
Hey, Canadians, remember that year where everyone would end every anecdote with: “…And, then, I ate the BOWL!”
That was a stupid year.
…Still working on that tumblr theme…
This is even more half-assed than usual because I’m busy making a tumblr theme.