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- O Body - The 1913th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a person with body made of Os.
- Floosh - The 1912th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a fuzzy creature.
- Mlurp - The 1911th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a stupid thing.
- These Hips are Dishonest - The 1910th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a four-armed person with wide hips.
- Blue Thing - The 1909th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a blue thing.
- Bearterpillar - The 1908th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a hybrid between a bear and caterpillar.
- Toothful Leaper - The 1907th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with lots of teeth and six legs.
- Pickle Dog - The 1906th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a hybrid between a pickle and a dog.
- Florter - The1905th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a person made of flame.
- Cat Guy - The 1904th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a guy wearing a cat costume.
- Smooty - The 1903rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an annoying creature.
- Spooky Mouth - The 1902nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with a strange mouth.
- Furry Worm - The 1901st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a furry worm.
- Dunk Donk - The 1900th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a lumpy creature.
- Generic Bug - The 1899th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a boring bug.
- Alien Dog - The 1898th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an alien dog.
- Thanksgiving Bunny - The 1897th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a bunny.
- Borick - The 1896th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a boring thing.
- Discombuttulated - The 1895th Doodle Per Diem. It is drawing of a discombobulated creature.
- The Scraggly Bort - The 1894th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of wavy creature.
- Bitey Bitey - The 1893rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a green creature with mouths sticking out of its ears and hands.
- Tall Explosion - The 1892nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an explody person.
- Drogbert - The 1891st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of creature with five eyestalks, seven legs and one arm.
- Special Gorp - The 1890th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a critter with one arm and one leg.
- Bad Posture - The 1889th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a person with bad posture.
- Sparkle Snarf - The 1888th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a spike orange critter,
- Snail Snorp - The 1887th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a snail.
- Fortner - The 1886th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a weird creature with stripes on its limbs.
- Epic Eye - The 1885th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with fifteen eyes and eight legs.
- Demon Lizard - The 1884th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a weird lizard thing.
- Bunny Cactus - The 1883rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a cactus with the head of a bunny.
- Jerk Flower - The 1882nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a flower with fangs.
- Happy Ha! - The 1881st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with four arms.
- Sporch - The 1880th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a lumpy person.
- Gortler - The 1879th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a green critter with three eyes.
- Cinnamon Bun - The 1878th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a cinnamon bun monster.
- Ugg. - The 1877th Doodle Per Diem. It is drawing of a primitive, fuzzy creature.
- Chomper - The 1876th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a scary creature with a vertical mouth and twelve eyeballs
- Jagged Squares - The 1875th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a rectangular critter.
- Purple Scruffy - The 1874th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a furry, purple monster with five yes and fangs.
- Blue Camel - The 1873rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a blue mutated camel thing.
- Bearded Boberto - The 1872nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a bearded alien.
- Horse of Coarse - The 1871st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a weird, six-legged creature.
- Grey Bort - The 1870th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a grey critter.
- Winged Boy -
- Splork - The 1868th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a gooey organ thing.
- Red Lobert - The 1867th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a red lobster dog thing.
- Jawbreaker Thingy Gal - The 1866th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a jawbreaker person.
- Tall Bug - The 1865th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a tall bug.
- Pink Fluff Head - The 1864th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with a fluffy pink head.
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