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- Glarph - The 2121st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a person wearing an orange thing on their head.
- Poiky Eye Dealies - The 2120th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a monster with five eyes, antennae and fangs.
- Blurp Eyes - The 2119th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a cute pink creature with eyestalks.
- Bloof Head - The 2118th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a critter with a thing growing out of its head.
- Walky Walkies - The 2117th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a purple creature with eyestalks, fangs and five legs.
- Splatter-Head - The 2116th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a person with a very odd head.
- Crappy Lizard - The 2115th Doodle Per Diem. It is a badly-drawn lizard.
- Happy Hortler - The 2114th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a very happy creature.
- Blue Fluff-Snoozle - The 2113th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a fuzzy blue creature with one eye.
- Tordler - The 2112nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an orange creature with five eyes and five legs.
- Attached at the Butt - The 2111th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of two creatures attached at the butt.
- Large Rabbit - The 2110th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a big rabbit.
- Happy Hubort - The 2109th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a happy creature with four arms.
- Glorff Blortson - The 2108th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of stupid thing with tentacles.
- Boring Green Alien - The 2107th Doodle Per Diem. It is a boring drawing of a green alien.
- Grey Wide - The 2106th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a wide grey creature with eight legs.
- Rock Dorp - The 2105th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a stone creature.
- Cherubic Chad - The 2104th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a weird, round cherub.
- Crazy Crudlin - The 2103rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with crazy hair.
- Droo Doop Doop - The 2102nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a thing with a weird body.
- Dorklorn - The 2101st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a boring grey thing.
- Pink Goo Thing - The 2100th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a pink thing with six legs.
- Gilbertron - The 2099th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with eight legs.
- Long Legs of Loo - The 2098th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a quadrupedal creature with three eyes.
- Lorbroni - The 2097th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a quadrupedal creature with three eyes.
- Dangron - The 2096th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a five-eyed, five-legged creature with tentacles sticking out of its head.
- Dorglish Blorg - The 2095th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an orange creature with six legs.
- Boring Bloot - The 2093rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with four arms, fangs and eyestalks.
- Dorp - The 2092nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a dorp.
- Blue Bat - The 2091st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a blue bat.
- Rabid Mouse - The 2090th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a rabid mouse.
- Sheep Boy - The 2089th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an animal that is part boy and part sheep.
- Sunny Derpit - The 2088th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of an orange person.
- Duder Doof - The 2087th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a doofy person.
- Grondoriff Drondolarian - The 2086th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a happy creature with spots.
- Yellow Angular - The 2085th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a yellow, angular person.
- Green Goober - The 2084th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a green gooey creature.
- Pink Jalopy - The 2083rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a pink cyclops.
- Grey Turd - The 2082nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a grey quadruped with five eyes.
- Zany Zoot - The 2081st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a critter with lots of antennae sticking out of it.
- Professor Poop-Stain - The 2080th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a critter made of poop.
- Zortran - The 2079th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a long-legged critter.
- Fart Bear - The 2078th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a green bear person.
- Slicker - The 2077th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with five eyestalks and six tentacles.
- Fuzzy Grumple - The 2076th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a fuzzy creature.
- Purple Snuggle Dork - The 2075th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with six arms and eyestalks.
- Splurt - The 2074th Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a splat.
- The Worst Crocodile - The 2073rd Doodle Per Diem. It is a bad drawing of a crocodile.
- Goober Signal - The 2072nd Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a person with seven antennae sticking out of their head.
- Dooper Doop - The 2071st Doodle Per Diem. It is a drawing of a creature with five eyestalks and four legs.
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