Hourly Comic Day 2014

"HOURLY COMIC DAY" in colourful letters

I’m going to be participating in Hourly Comic Day tomorrow, although, I don’t think that I’m going to obey the rule about each comic being about what I’m actually doing that hour. Indeed, I think I will be lying quite a bit about my activities.

I’m going to try and go a full 24 hours, because when I start getting tired, things are going to start getting weird and fun.

WordPress Won!

As some of you may know, in October of 2012, I started an experiment to see whether Tumblr or WordPress was a better venue for my crazy doodles.

Well, after going 100 days, the doodles that I have been hosting here on my WordPress install have been getting more views, so I’ve decided that WordPress is better.

I’ve imported all the doodles that I had posted to Tumblr here into the Tumblr category. You can also still visit them on my Tumblr.

In the future, I may try Tumblr again, but for now, I’m only posting doodles to this blog.