I’m busy with a thing, so you’re getting that same little critter that I’m drawn a million times before.
Another Yellow Critter
Author: Laurel Green Category: Digital Sketch Pad Tags: Antennae, Critters, Lame, Lazy, Yellow Comments: 0
I’m busy with a thing, so you’re getting that same little critter that I’m drawn a million times before.
It’s just a little gril. It don’t mean no harm.
It’s the 2-4! Break out the BTO and crank up the TCB.
I wanged my arm and I think I hurt my ulnar nerve (AKA my funny bone). I keep getting that stupid, tingly wanged funny bone feeling now.
I keep getting blood clots coming out of my noise. I think that I’m having some sort of allergy issue. This was information that you needed to know.
It will brighten up you days… and your nights. You will never escape the brightness.